Gain Clarity, Know your next Step, Release blocks, Expand to your divine Potential, Discover your Life Purpose at this time , Listen to and Know your Higher Self Answers

Ready, Set, Go ...

Know the Next Step...

Receive specific Guidance for the Soul via channeled guidance from your Higher Self, the Divine Grace, and soul coaching.

Know your Higher Purpose and path of greatest soul expansion. The Soul of a place, a business, a country, a home, couples and organizations and lands can also be , powerfully invoked just as the soul of an individual. Everything is Consciousness.

Find Answers and Insights to
Life long Questions?

The Divine Mother wishes to give clarity and answers: What does it mean? Why did it happen? Will it happen again? How can I improve my personal karma? What are the relationships that matter? Where should I move to? Should I move? How can we improve our home life, inner Life, and move forward in Spirit and Matter, in all aspects of Life? What is blocking me or my business or my career? Where should I live and go to from here?

Strengthen your Connection with your Superconscious Self

As we communicate with your Higher Self, this neuropathway will become a neurohighway. Your own ability to channel and commune with your innermost self and higher self will grow. Eventually the door to the to the Superconscious, divine highest Self opens. Ultimately, homo divinus is born.

Miracles become ordinary, everyday events in the new Dimensions. Many clients have reported "miracles" from the Higher Self coming directly before or following soul sessions with MANA. These are meant to edify Faith, Belief & Knowing.

Experience a Renewal of Spirit and Release Blockages

Mana has a mandate to channel the higher Purpose and divine Will to ready and willing Souls of leaders, influencers, and powerful souls who are here to make a difference. This includes those who are well established in their respective careers and need a new divine directive for their endeavors.

Her second mandate is working with youth & young adults to define their future Path of Success via putting together a life story of significant events and channeling the Higher Self of each one, while combining factors of organic life experience and natural talents, as well as the input of the Divine Grace.

New 2024: Channeled Written Messages from the Divine Mother by MANA

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