About MANA

MANA is a conduit, embodying the voice and power of the Divine Mother Energy who wishes to speak through her beginning in 2024. The Divine Mother has come as a higher self soul agreement. The transition was completed in Cape Town, South Africa, The Mother City,at the end of 2023, where MANA was called for this transition to take place, and the Highest Self of MANA walked-in, with her agreement to do her works.

In 2016, the previous Mana was attacked physically and spiritually, when her blog and healing work with Soul Science, was becoming a sensation across India. It had taken seven years of hospitals, doctors, natural and supernatural remedies, losing her teeth, nearly forty operations in the mouth, and recovering from poisoning to return as a new avatar.

For years, she was unable to speak due to the extreme pain of bone infections. This transition has required facing unrelenting spiritual warfare as well, coming from many places, leaving her alone in the human sense and in a survival mode to face these challenges, atone for her weaknesses, and to surrender completely to Divine Grace.

In 2017, as this Journey began, a light came into the room she was sleeping in, in Kreuzlingen Switzerland, and a beautiful feminine voice spoke into her ear, "Release all Attachments." Seven years later nearly everyone has been removed from her life. The new mandate only allows for God-infused (not religion) and God-seeking individuals to be near her or to come to her for her energy and spiritual upliftment and guidance.

The Voice and Energy that came to her that morning in April 2017 with the bright Light. It is the feminine aspect of the Godhead or the Great Spirit: the divine Mother, formless or in all her forms.

MANA is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist, Soul Coach, metaphysical healer & former Forest Scientist. She has been on a spiritual path all of her Life, which has taken her on many Journeys, until she has come into Mastery and Highest Self Purpose